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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of chromosome pairs Ant Myrmecia pilosula 1 chromosome pair 116987 Crosland MW, Crozier...
Longevity of queen Ant <=30 Years 105985 Smith CD, Smith CR, Mueller U...
Estimated number of insects on earth at a given moment Insect 1E+18 Unitless 104961 Bert Holldobler and Edward...
Number of conjugative pili per cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 1 to 10 Pili/cell 106205 Antão EM, Wieler LH,...
Sensitivity of some methods for measuring antibody-antigen reactions Unspecified Table - link μg antibody N/ml 109494 Stewart Sell, Immunology...
Percentage of newly synthesized proteins that are degraded by proteasome within minutes of synthesis Eukaryotes ≤30 % 108154 Goldberg AL. Protein...
Stoichiometry of Na+ to H+ in Na+/H+ antiporter Bacteria Escherichia coli at pH=7.4 1.1: at pH=7.8 1.3: at pH=8.4 1.4 unitless 111776 Taglicht D, Padan E,...
Turnover of Na+ efflux in Na+/H+ antiporter Bacteria Escherichia coli at pH=6.5 48: at pH=8.5 89,000 min^-1 111777 Taglicht D, Padan E,...
Geological ages (millions of years ago), brain size (cm^3), estimated male and female body weights (kg), and posterior tooth surface areas (mm^2) for selected fossil hominid species Primates Table - link N/A 113757 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Fraction of newly synthesized proteins that are very rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) Eukaryotes 6 - 30 % 113356 Wang F, Durfee LA, Huibregtse...
List of non-human animals with publications on their genome projects as of 2012 Metazoa animals Table - link Mb 112712 Luting Song & Wen Wang...
Minimum interommatidial angles for insect species Insect Table - link ˚ (degrees) 117188 Land MF. Visual acuity...